To the world, he was one Patrick J. O’Flaherty. To his friends, he was Paddy. And many friends he made! A kindly, beloved fellow, Paddy traveled pub-to-pub across Ireland for more than four decades, selling Cork Distilleries Map of Ireland Whiskey the best way he knew – with free drinks and generous servings of conversation. Before long, patrons and publicans alike were clamoring for more of “Paddy’s whiskey,” so the name was changed to honor the man himself. Paddy’s namesake whiskey, triple distilled and aged in the oaken casks of County Cork, Ireland, was always light, balanced and pure. A smooth, accessible whiskey for nearly a quarter millennium. And it remains just so today, whenever friends join together around the award-winning whiskey that bears Paddy’s name.
For Award-Winning friends.